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About Photo The Street

Dick van Voorst

I'm Dick van Voorst, the person behind Photo The Street. I am Dutch and live in Cambridgshire, England. Making photographs has interested me for over 40 years, but there wasn't a genre that really captivated me, and most camera's ended up being used for family snap shots only. It wasn't until I discovered Street, Documentary and Urban Photography in mid 2021 to become more interested in making photographs than the camera gear.


At that time I had bought a used Leica CL digital camera together with a 35mm Voigtlander lens and through reading about Leica I became acquainted with the many great Documentary and Street photographers that use(d) Leica cameras. I had finally found the niche that suited me and a camera that made me want to go out and use it. A Leica Q2 followed the CL, then an M10-R with various lenses. Because 28-35mm is the sweet spot for me, I now use a Leica Q2 for my Street Photography, and occasionally a Sony A7C. My GAS has now been significantly reduced, and although great photographs are the result of the photographer’s skill in most cases, I now truly believe that having an emotional connection with the camera helps me to focus on making photographs. The Q2 and previously the M10-R do that for me, whereas the A7C is more a tool.


This means I can spend the hard earned pennies on what helps me to develop. For me that is reading about the topics and the artists, and I can highly recommend taking a dedicated Street Photography course from Brian Lloyd Duckett, full-time professional street photographer and photojournalist, author of books on the topic, and owner of the StreetSnappers street photography community. In case you want to find out more about Leica, and if it’s for you, I recommend looking at Matt Osborne’s MrLeica website and his many videos on Leica and related topics.


This website shows a collection of my street photographs. If some of these grabbed your interest, I would be grateful if you follow me on Instagram, or use the Contacts section if you want to get in touch.


Over time, I will add my camera journey and my approach to buying cameras and lenses to this website.

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